Andrada RANCU, Daniel Dorin DICU, Radu BERTICI University of Life Science "King Mihai I" from Timisoara danieldicu@usvt.ro
The work provides information and elements related to the classification and evaluation of soil resources, thus integrating into the field of complex studies of natural resource identification from the perspective of the land's vocation for the most suitable utility and the establishment of protection and conservation measures for the lands in the area. The objectives of the work are represented by the collection, processing and accumulation of scientific data related to environmental factors, the geographical characteristics of the area, soil resources, data related to the nature and intensity of the limiting factors, the qualitative evaluation of the lands. The territory of the commune has an area of 19579 ha, of which 7314 ha (37.36%) is agricultural land, and 11484 ha (58.65%) is occupied by forests. In order to establish the quality of the land, both the characteristics of the soil and the other factors of vegetation, relief, climate, hydrology, which determine the capacity for agricultural or forestry production, as well as the vocation of the land to be used for various activities, must be precisely determined. Soil properties can exert a decisive influence on the development of the root system, mineral nutrition, providing air, weather and climate for the main physiological processes from plants, acting on fertility (quality) status of soil. Systematic mapping and agrochemical studies of soil provide valuable data on the state of soil quality, establish and implement differentiated culture technologies and determining the suitability of land for various crops, substantiation of land improvement works and improvement technology, organization and systematization of land.
land, quality, favorability, limiting factor
environmental engineering
Presentation: poster

