Ștefana BAICU (ZOICAN), C. BIHUNETI, Olimpia Alina IORDĂNESCU 1University of Life Sciences “King Mihai I” from Timișoara,Romania stefana.zoican@usvt.ro
The evolution of walnut production worldwide is a fascinating story marked by resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to sustainability. From its historical roots deeply embedded in specific regions to its current prominence on the global agricultural stage, the walnut industry has faced challenges with proactive resilience. Technological innovations, seamlessly integrated with traditional cultivation practices, are indicative of the industry's ability to adapt to changing dynamics in consumer preferences and market trends. The industry is committed to sustainability, as demonstrated by the adoption of organic farming, eco-friendly processing, and responsible sourcing practices. The coexistence of tradition and technology places the industry in a favourable position for sustained growth and relevance, as it anticipates emerging market trends and sustains global demand. The global walnut industry is poised at the threshold of the future, promising not only continued delectable harvests but also emerging as a beacon for responsible agriculture. Beyond the orchards, it serves as an exemplar, inspiring a transformative shift towards sustainable and ethical practices in global agriculture. The future of global walnut production extends beyond the orchards and into the wider landscape of responsible agriculture. This abstract encapsulates the essence of an industry that values its heritage, while also embracing progress, and aims to establish a more sustainable and harmonious relationship between agriculture and the planet.
Sustainable Manufacturing Practices, Traditional cultivation practices, Consumer preferences, Eco-friendly processing, Walnut Production Worldwide
Presentation: poster

