Research Journal of Agricultural Science

ISSN 2668-926X

ISSN 2066-1843 (printed form)

Published by Agroprint - number of issues/year: 4 since 2010

Our Journal, Research Journal of Agricultural Science (ISSN 2668-926X) includes original papers (a variant of the abstract and full text) and reviews on Agriculture in general (field crops, pastures, and forage plants- present situation and perspectives, plant protection, soil sciences and plant nutrition, sustainable development, and environmental engineering, researches in biology with implications in the agricultural sciences and power resources and agricultural machinery) from the wide world.

Since 1956, from the first appearance of the journal, it had a high scientific level. The results of very important researchers in the agriculture field from western and other parts of Romania and also from many European countries were published in this journal. In its content are published peer-reviewed reports of original research, reviews, and short communications in the areas of Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences. It had a gradual evolution regarding the number and also quality of published papers. The present name of the journal (Research Journal of Agricultural Science, ISSN 2668-926X 2066-1843) starts in 2009 at once with volume 41. Until 2009 the journal was known as Lucrari Stiintifice: Facultatea de Agricultura - Scientific Papers, Faculty of Agriculture (ISSN 1221-5279). The role of the journal is to offer scientists and researchers in agriculture and collateral fields the opportunity to publish their results of scientific research.

The Journal is indexed, abstracted, or full text reproduced in the following databases and libraries: CABI (since 2009 - at section Plant Sciences, page 14), ULRICH'S PERIODICALS DIRECTORY (since 2010), Index Copernicus International (since 2009) - I.C. Journals Master List (IC= 3.93), CNCSIS Romania quoted B+ (valid journals are A, B+ and B).

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  • Simpozion Facultatea de Agricultură
  • Numele și prenumele primului autor

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  • Symposium Agricultural Faculty
  • Name of the first author

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