Simona Florentina Barbu, Eva Băra None
Organic farming is an industry emerging economies around the world, a trend due to the general public awareness of the negative effects due to intensive agriculture performing, both upon human health and continue environmental degradation. Organic farming, which does not mean the way back to traditional subsistence farming,  is emerging today as a great hope for post-industrial progress of mankind. In a world where agriculture has become rather a source of income than a food resource, repairing the serious imbalance caused by super intensive  agricultural systems based on excessive chemicalization mandates the adoption of new strategies to protect natural resources, land, plants and humans against pollution and continuous degradation. The mirage of super industrialized agriculture, reflected in the impressive crop yields incredibly large, is about to collapse as life proves that this type of farming does not guarantee food safety and human welfare over time. As a result of growing a small number of varieties of abandoning crop rotation systems, of excessive or uncontrolled irrigation, of the abuse of chemicals that have polluted soil and waters and employing biological stimulators, today we are witnessing a process of soil degradation threatening human capacity of ensuring food for future generations. This danger, highlighted decades ago, today is expressed by the depletion of natural fertility of soil, by the rapid advance of desertification process, with chronic social consequences, especiallyon the long run. It is important that by the advanced chemicalization new diseases and pests have appeared, resistant to treatments applied. In turn, biotechnology or genetic engineering could only temporarily solve the great problems of mankind, for nature has produced new more resistant and more destructive varieties. Organic farming fully meets sustainability objectives, it contributes to sustainable development and to the production of high quality and healthy products, and implements sustainable production methods in terms of environment. Contribution of organic agriculture sector is growing in most Member States of the European Union and worldwide. In this context, it is necessary for organic production to play an increasingly greater role in agricultural policy and to be closely related to development of agricultural markets as well as to the protection and conservation of lands meant for agricultural activities. Organic farming plays an important role in implementing the Community's sustainable development policy. Organic farming can contribute to the ultimate goal of sustainability.
organic farming; sustainability; natural resources; pollution and continuous degradation
Presentation: oral

