Florian Buşe, Tudor Goldan, Gheorghe Florin Buşe None
The paper presents aspects of implementing effective professional training programs to develop the labor market by supporting the non-agricultural activities and attracting the people in the rural area. The performed legal and organizational procedures targeted: creation of the logistics of the project activities – location, persons; providing the resources to organize classes in every macro-region – logistics, facilities; providing the information portal about the project – web site design. The importance of the paper is regarded by to increased rural employment and labor market participation rate on non-agricultural activities. There were used the European Labor Employment Strategy and the National Strategies where we find the principles and the key areas for employment, with more implications towards the people from rural communities. The research project aims the dimensions, the priority action areas for the employment of the existing national and European Union strategies. The training programs support the following activities: project manager, tourism administrator and worker, sales agent, trading worker, fitter of board walls and ceilings, water plumber. The research included statistical analysis of the rural occupational and non-agricultural occupational structure from 4 pilot areas, corresponding to 4 macro-regions. The project is developed by the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest in partnership with various research institutions and other universities in Romania. The University of Petrosani, as partner, set up the rural professional training center. The training center benefits from the experience of the university specialists. The facilities in the university represent the guaranty for performance training. The use of the training programs consists in: occupations, for which these courses are organized, are frequently required in the labor market in Romania; courses are conducted by experienced specialists, the accumulation of knowledge is done through practical applications and case studies; courses are accessible to people who want to grow professionally as part of the target group. The project represented in the paper is called “The development of the labor market by promoting the non-agricultural occupations in rural areas”, European Social Funds, Sector Operational Program: Human Resource Development (POS DRU) CCI 2007RO051PO001.
labor market; rural environment; professional training
Presentation: oral

