Alma Imeri, Lirika Kupe, Julian Shehu, Alfred Mullaj, Erta Dodona None
Data on the trophic state of Bishtaraka Lagoon are presented. The Bishtaraka’s Lagoon is located in central coastal region of Albania and exists as transitional environments between land and sea. The lagoon covers a surface ca.155 ha Level of trophic state is based on standard methods for analysis of macrophytic vegetation [15] and chlorophyll a content and other photosynthetic pigments of phytoplankton, dissolved oxygen (DO) and biological   oxygen   demand   (BOD), Phosphor contents.   Also   are   measured   physic characteristics of waters like temperature, Ph and turbidity of water. Plant communities’ evaluation is based on qualitative and quantitative characteristics and is classified through principals of Zurich–Montpellier school. Monitoring of chlorophyll a content and other photosynthetic pigments of phytoplankton, dissolved oxygen (DO) and biological oxygen demand (BOD), phosphor contents, and diatoms species are carried out during a year from April to September 2009. In Lagoon are selected four stations for samples taking. Evaluation of water trophic level is based on classification proposed by Hǻkannson [4]. Oligotrophic : clear and blue water, with very low levels of nutrients and algae. Mesotrophic : slightly green water, still clear, moderate levels of nutrients and algae. Eutrophic : green and murky water, with higher amounts of nutrients and algae. Hypertrophic : supersaturated in phosphorus and nitrogen, excessive phytoplankton growth, poor water clarity. Flora of Bishtaraka Lagoon belongs to the aquatic macrophytes rooting in sediment. Two main groups are commonly distinguished: Emergent aquatic macrophytes . Reed (Phragmites australis) is often found in monospecific stands, but also mixed with Typha angustifolia, Scirpus lacustris. Submersed macrophytes . From this group, in Bishtaraka Lagoon we have registered flowering plants such as Myriophyllum spicatum and Potamogeton pectinatus. The aquatic vegetation strongly influences the light conditions, temperature, oxygen concentration, sedimentation rate and turbulence in the water body. Analyses for determination of dissolved oxygen (DO) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) are realized through Winkler method. Based on the collected data we can evaluate that Bishtaraka Lagoon is characterized by a high trophic state – eutrophic level. Trophy state of Bishtaraka lagoon in four stations in April and September is presented high eutrophy,  increasing from April to September.
Emergent aquatic macrophytes; Trophyc state; submersed macrophytes
Presentation: oral

