Carmen Aurelia Peptan, Luminiţa Livia Bârliba, Monica Mirea, Anişoara Ienciu None
The objective of the present study is that to mitigate the foresee impacts from the railway line rehabilitation works. At the same time the mitigations measures have the aim to environmental rehabilitation, in the operation phase, with the objective to the global environmental rehabilitation of the interested areas of the Banat Plan, Mureş Valley and Deva Depression which intersects with the railway line Curtici-Simeria. According to the capital estimate of mitigations measures to the environmental impact, the investment in the environmental protection of the rehabilitation and upgrade project is primarily defined in about 3% of the total investment. Among the mitigation measures, we mention: slopes stabilization, drainage and erosion control, protection drainage (gabions); bio – engineering techniques; re–vegetation (workers, planting stock, transport of planting material); installation of noise barriers and installations of traffic signs and road bumps. The recommended mitigation measures that should be adopted to avoid or minimize potential adverse impacts consist essentially of prescriptions for the construction period or rather project solutions or technical-realizations with the purpose of foreseeing the possible rising up of impacts in the territory. Therefore it should tried: to contain the impact on the settlement keeping the layout of the project as further as possible from the houses/residential area and, where this wasn’t possible, adopting technical solutions; to respect the areas of environmental special interest as the Mureş valley ecosystem and the building nucleus of architectonical interest; to reduce the interruption of the agricultural continuum restoring the accessibility conditions of the local connections network and to maintain the continuity of the water network neither of main level nor of the secondary one. It has been underlined two categories of the project: the one of mitigation measures and the one of optimization of the project on the contents at the outline. The mitigation measures are finalized to pursue the elimination/control of the potential interferences gathered during the environmental analysis that had taken into consideration all the elements involved. The second category of activities carries out a double function: integrate the project infrastructure and the interventions of mitigation defined (for example the one of acoustic barriers) among the operation context. In the definition of these works, the landscape planning covers an extreme important role.
railway line; mitigation measures; consolidation system
Presentation: oral

