Florin Imbrea, Branko Marincovic, Valeriu Tabără, Paul Pîrşan, Gheorghe David, Lucian Botoş None
Research was carried out in the laboratory of „Agricultural produce quality analysis” of the Department of Agricultural technologies of the Faculty of Agriculture. The goal of the present paper is to valorise the beneficial effect this type of electromagnetic radiations has on seed germination and, later on, on plant growth and, last but not least, on the environment, through pollution decrease. The importance of the study comes from the fact that at present, in many countries of the world, there are researches being carried on that present the beneficial effect of these radiations on numerous field crops, such as: wheat, maize, sugar beets, potatoes, and peanuts; on green peppers, tomatoes, and strawberry; on vine; and in the field of plant microbiology and physiology. It has been proven so far that the same wave length cannot produce the same effect on all cultivars or hybrids of a species. It is also well known that, depending on the magnetic field of the experimental area, a certain wave length can produce a positive or negative effect, which determines the necessity of very laborious studies in order to establish wave lengths for each species (cultivar, hybrid) and the area. The working method used in the experiment is specific to determining germinative capacity, while in the treatment of the seeds we used the generator of electromagnetic radiations of the Faculty of Agriculture of Novi Sad thanks to Professor Branko Marinkovic. We should mention that we used in the treatment of the seeds only frequencies known to stimulate plant growth and measuring between 0 and 100 Hz. The support on which we sowed the seeds was quartz sand, and watering seeds was done with distilled water. The temperature in the laboratory was kept at 20-21 O C. The results of the present study are part of a research project PN II IDEI Contract nr. 1076/2009, topic code ID_864, financed by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, through the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education. The topic of the project is „Study concerning low-frequency electromagnetic waves effect on crop and quality in maize”.
words; electromagnetic waves; germination; irradiation
Presentation: oral

