Maria Şandor, Cornel Domuţa, Gheorghe Bunta, Cristian Domuţa, Ioana Borza, Adrian Vuşcan, Radu Brejea, Manuel Gîtea, Anuţa Jurca None
The researches were carried out during 2006-2008 on the preluvosoil from Agricultural and Development Research Station Oradea characterized by the presence of the horizons Bt 1 (34-54 cm depth) and Bt 2 (54-78 cm depth); the colloid clay eluviation determined to appear the El horizon with 31.6% colloid clay. On 0-20 cm depth, the soil has a big percentage of macroagregates (Φ > 0.25 mm), 47.5% bulk density is of 1.41 g/cm 3 and total porosity is median one, hydraulic conductivity is of 21.0 mm/h. The values of the pH indicates a low acid soil, humus, total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content are low.  The source of irrigation water was a drill of 15 m depth. The chemical parameters of the irrigation water were the following: fixed mineral residue 0.5 g/l; SAR index 0.52; CSR index= -1.7%; N. Florea class = II; there are not some problemes regarding the use of irrigation use. We use 5 Romanian wheat cultivar: Dropia, Crişana, Arieşan, Alex, Ardeal. In comparison with the Dropia are insignificant difference statistically in Crişana, Alex and Ardeal and negative distingue significant in Arieşan. Wet gluten and dry gluten of the cultivars Dropia, Crişana and Arieşan had not the differences statistically assured. In comparison with Dropia cultivar, in Alex and Ardeal, very significant and distingvely significant differences were registered. Falling number was improve very significant statistically in comparison with Dropia in Crişana (64.3%) and Alex (20,0%) but the values are included in the class with bad falling number, in Arieşan the difference is insignificant statistically and in Ardeal the difference is negative distingue significant. All 5 cultivars had very good values of the deformation index. The best value was obtained in Alex (4 mm) and Crişana (5 mm).The researches were carried out in the project: PN-II-ID-PCE-2008; 1103/2009 ”Study of the relationships in the soil-water-plant-atmosphere system on the land affected succesivelly by excess and deficit of moisture from North Western Romania regarding the improve of the yield quantity and quality”.
wheat; cultivar: Dropia; Crişana; Alex; drought; yield; irrigation
Presentation: oral

