Costel Bârliba, Luminiţa Cojocariu None
In order to increase the production of the permanent grasslands and of grassland quality it is necessary to generalize some technologies elaborated basing on several scientific researches. However, these conditions must be differently applied depending on the local station conditions and on the real production capacity of each type of grassland.The production capacity of a grassland is determined by the production capacity of the vegetation and by the production capacity of the land used as grassland (Horablaga M. si Luminita Cojocariu, 2006). Among all factors that influence the grassland existence, the vegetation expresses in the most concrete and appropriate way the basic features of a grassland (Marusca T., 2001; Hubert F., Pierre P., 2003; Horablaga M., Luminiţa Cojocariu, 2006). The goal of this paper is to try classifying the grasslands belonging to Nădrag locality and to demonstrate this classification basing on a mathematical analysis, taking into consideration several factors: grassland surface, land declivity (slope), general cover, specific cover, and the main plant species which compose the grassland vegetation. The study objective is represented by nine grassland surfaces belonging to Nădrag locality, placed at various altitudes between 190-1370 m. Basing on the plant relevés, there were determined the grassland type and the percentage of the graminaceous, leguminoses and other various plants participating on the floristic composition of each grassland (Daget Ph., Poissonet J.; Kovacs J. Attila, 1979). There was also determined the vegetation cover degree in order to make an overview on the grasslands put in discussion. Basing on a topographic analysis, we determined the precise surface of the plots, the land limits, altitude and slope for every single plot. Basing on all field data, we succeeded to enclose the nine studied grasslands in three classes and moreover we demonstrated those factors on which this classification is relying. There was performed a classification of the analyzed plots by Ward’s method in cluster analysis using the Euclidean distance. The plots P6, P7, P10A, P11C are in the same cluster and the parcel P9 is the closest to this cluster. The parcels P1B, P1C, P2B and P5B formed a new cluster.
grassland surface; topographic analysis
Presentation: oral

