Cristian Bostan, Alexandru Moisuc, Florina Radu, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Marinel Horablaga, Veronica Sărăţeanu None
The scientific research carried out have underlined the effect of the allelopathic substances on the perennial graminaceae plants growth in the early stages of development after its  germination.  The proposed study intends to provide data on the mechanisms developed by plants (based on biochemical interactions) to survive. Many cultivated and spontaneous species produce allelochemic compounds that reduce the growth at the level of the plantlets. This phenomenon is mainly due to the direct interference with the cell division processes or with growth hormones. The biological material studied is represented by four species of perennial graminaceae: Dactyilis glomerata L., Lolium perenne L., Poa pratensis L. and Festuca rubra L., studied in the laboratory. The plants were splashed with extracts obtained from the species Poa pratensis and were applied in three different doses. The extracts were applied in three different variants: Variant 1 - dose of 10 ml/pot; Variant 2 - dose of 40 ml/pot; Variant 3 - dose of 80 ml/pot. The observations on the allelopathic interaction between plant species have a history of centuries, but the transition from observation to scientific certainty has been achieved relatively recently. The research that were made in the allelopathy field showed that the allelopathy substances may inhibit the germination of the seeds, but may also affect the growth and development of the receiver plant of such substances, so that the allelopathic phenomenon is a cause-effect relationship between the substances with allelopathic potential and physiological response of the target plant. The biochemical identification of these products and their effect on the growth and development of the plant is beneficial and should be of a great help concerning the growing of plants to obtain resistant fodders and to maintain the crops productive and profitable.The project aims to establish an interface between biochemical study essentially morphological and anatomical study of plants, emphasizing structural and functional changes that biochemical interactions, alelopatic type of plant may cause. The study will influence the broad base of knowledge on interactions alelopatic type of plant growth and development of vegetation cover and farming systems.
perennial graminaes; allelopathy; growth and development
Presentation: oral

