Lavinia Alina Caluseru, Luminiţa Cojocariu None
By biodiversity we understand the variety of expression of the living world, plant species (flora), animal species (fauna), microorganisms, and the values of biodiversity being integrant part of the natural patrimony which, in the context of sustainable development, must be used by the actual generations without endangering the chance of the future generations to enjoy the same life conditions. United Nations Organizations declared the year of 2010 as “The International Year of Biodiversity”, the reason being the decline of the ecosystems, being alarming the negative accentuation of human impact on the natural ecosystems in the last decades. According to a global census realized by the officials of Bird Life International, 45% of the common of the Europe decreased as number, the decline being registered too in the case of 80% of aquatic birds from Australia. Thus, we assist to an accelerate extinction of the vegetal and animal life, reason for why the population informing about the importance of natural habitat protection is equally important as the settlement of a juridical regime of their protection. Considering these aspects, the present paper proposes to approach this subject at specific territorial level, respectively in Timis County, beginning with a stock taking of the existing protected natural areas in Timis County and continuing with analysis of the juridical regime regarding their protection depending on type of the protected natural area and not in the last place the identification of the possible threats on the natural habitats existing within the protected natural areas. Timis County has a surface by 8697 km 2 , being as extension the broadest county in the country, with a preponderantly plain relief – 85%, and under biodiversity aspect the habitats within Timis County are characterized by specific composition of flora and fauna, components of the biocoenosis influenced by various climatic and edaphic factors. The climatic oceanic influences from the western side of the country, as well as the climatic differences between plain and mountain imposed by the altitude of relief determined the apparition of a large number of habitats. Another factor determining the great variety of habitats is represented by the chemical composition of the substrate rocks (soil, subsoil). It is important to remember that all Member States of the European Union have the obligation to identify the priority habitats of community interest which exist on their administrative territory and to designate those areas as natural areas of community interest components of the ecological network Natura 2000 , which represents a base stage of the conservation policy of nature within the European Union. Romania, as a Member State of the European Union, ratified the Birds Directive – 79/409/EEC and Habitats Directive – 92/43/EEC, identifying and designating within Timis County several special protection areas and Sites of Community Importance as integrant parts of the European ecological network Natura 2000.
biodiversity; protected natural area; juridical regime; natural habitats
Presentation: oral

