Luminiţa Cojocariu, Alexandru Moisuc, Ionel Samfira, Marinel Horablaga, Florina Radu, Dacian V. Lalescu NoneThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the main production characters of the Italian ryegrass, under the influence of some doses of cattle manure. It is intended the cultivation of Italian ryegrass varieties, from which the whole plant is used in animal feeding, both as green fodder and dry fodder, so that the production elements to be the best expressed. [9]. Therefore the research directions to increase the Italian ryegrass productivity are directed towards increasing the vegetative mass that provides a large quantity of feed. [2] . The researchers in agricultural fields work with biological materials with a great variability, with many uncontrollable environmental influences because the most studied characters represent the result of complex interactions between plant genotype (often heterogeneous itself) and many factors that determine the soil fertility, plant water supply, degree of infestation with various diseases and pests etc.. The production of feed is determined by the all aerial vegetative parts of the plants, which consist of several morpho-anatomical elements. A simple calculation of the yearly production of forage can be done by multiplying the number of plants per hectare, the number of shoots / plant, the weight of shoots and the number of harvests per year. Of great importance for production are also other characters such as foliar surface, assimilation rate of dry matter, phenotypically expressed by regeneration and fast-growing, shoot richness, plant height, resistance to diseases and to unfavorable environmental conditions [7]. The shoots represent the basic element of fodder production as grain is the basic element of wheat production. Numerous, vigorous and rapidly growing shoots means a high production of forage. The shoot number of a plant is a very important character, with a pronounced variability. [3] The plant height is one of the main objectives in improvement programs because it is responsible for the production of feed. The higher total surface of the leaves in relation to the development of stem, flowers, seeds and root is, the larger production of dry matter will be. The results regarding the main production characters studied in bearded ryegrass, depending on applied doses of cattle manure, in conditions of Timisoara, can be summarized as following: the Italian ryegrass valuates very well the cattle manure. The greatest values of the analyzed characters there were registered at the maximal dose of cattle manure - 80 t/ha. However, from economically point of view, we not recommend this doze, because very well results could be obtain up to dose of 60 t/ha.
italian ryegrass; number of shoots per plant; plant height; foliar surface; plant weight
Presentation: oral