Stela Hamza, Lavinia Alina Caluseru, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Florin Marian, Valentin Leneschi, Ionuţ Săndoiu None
Natural protected areas, according to legal definitions provided in Gov. nr.57/2007, amended and completed by Gov. nr.154/2008 are areas of land, water and / or groundwater, perimeter and having a legally established special care and conservation , there are species of wildlife, bio-geographical elements and formations, landscape, geological, pale ontological, speleological or otherwise, with ecological value, scientific or cultural sensitivity, with a special protection and conservation, established under the provisions laws. This work aims to analyze the environmental legislation in force in Romania, harmonized by Community law to give legal permissions and limitations in terms of activities on or near a protected natural area (ANP). As we see the achievement as the work face, the law establishes general rules applicable to certain categories of protected areas, and taking into account the objective of conservation of each natural protected areas, nature and importance (national interest, international, community, county or local), compatibility of activities to be held in a NAP may be established after completion of an important process of analysis, that only after obtaining regulatory provisions provided by law. In the process of analyzing a very important role we have competent authority to protect the environment, and managers / custodians of natural protected areas, public administration authoritative local developers adequate assessment studies and last but not the public. Under Article 22 of Ordinance nr.57/2007 with subsequent modifications in the national interest ANP management plan will define and delineate the internal areas (with strict protection, integral protection, buffer zones, areas of sustainable development activities human) each having a well defined, including the establishment of permitted activities and prohibitions development. As result no doubt that the Plan of Management and Regulation of ANP, is an extremely important legal instrument which, considering the scientific research, observations intern, can impose a set of rules and can ban a range of human activities in inside or near a NAP, all in order to ensure a favorable conservation of natural habitats has been designated. Thus, the issues addressed in this paper, we wish to emphasize the importance of preserving natural heritage in terms of flora and fauna conservation of biological diversity, the functional integrity of ecosystems, genetic heritage, vegetable and animal, and satisfying life, welfare, culture and civilization of present and future generations.
protected natural area; meadow utilization; forbidden activities; allowed activities
Presentation: oral

