Florin Marian, Alexandru Moisuc, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Ionel Samfira, Florina Radu, Marinel Horablaga None
The researches have as objective to determine the best experimental variant, in terms of feed production - feed quality, through growing Persian clover (annual clover) with Italian ryegrass var. westerwoldicum, in varying degrees of mixture. At present, in agriculture, at global level is desired to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer used for the prevention and reduction of soil pollution by nitrates and nitrites, resulted after an unreasonable application of nitrogen fertilizers. One of the most important technological solutions is growing in mixture of grasses and legumes, with or without a minimum contribution of chemical fertilizers. Expanding in the production of a large and varied assortment of species and varieties requires the development of technological solutions that will achieve an optimal energy-protein ratio for animal nutrition and to offer multiple possibilities to feed use. The obtained fodder from annual mixtures must ensure a constant supply of food for animals, so it must be characterized by a rhythmic production during the growing season and a good conservation. Another factor of great importance at present time is related to feed quality, especially with reference to digestibility and feed consumability. Along with quantity, quality feed represents a very important role and their cost price in increasing the economic efficiency of livestock. As biological material we used Wesley variety from Lolium multiflorum specie and Gorby variety from Trifolium resupinatum specie. We studied Italian ryegrass (Lm) and Persian clover (Tr), both in pure and mixed culture, in the following proportions: Lm75% +% Tr25, Tr50%% + Lm50, Lm25% + Tr75%. Another experimental factor studied was fertilization. Were studied variants without fertilizer and with chemical fertilizers (N100P50K50) to can compare the dry matter production obtained in both variants. The culture of these annual forage mixtures types is at the beginning in our country, but they are very successfully used in other countries, especially in countries with Mediterranean climate where can be seeded even in the fall. A special importance of this work lies in the fact that through these researches are brought important contributions for the knowledge of these types of crops, in order to diversify the plants assortment and annual forage crops and which have the possibility to be used in feed crop rotation.
Lolium multiflorum; Trifolium resupinatum; pure culture; mixture; quality
Presentation: oral

