Veaceslav Mazăre, Marius Stroia, Luminiţa Cojocariu None
The land assessment means to estimate it performances for specific purposes, involving the comparison between lands for a certain usage and/or the comparison of the usage variants. This is an essential, central activity of the land management, a major, increasing importance field in the last period worldwide and in our country too, especially considering the transition conditions to a functional market economy (Ianoş Gh. et al., 1997; Ianoş Gh., 2006; Teaci D., 1980). During the time, there was appealed to different expressions to define the field of land assessment: land classification, site classification, site quality classification, soil resources classification, soil graduation (ranking), site evaluation, technical potential rating of soils, soil/land potential assessment etc. According to this conception, the determination of yield capacity of the lands and also the settlement of their improvement technologies can be realized only by a good cognition of the soil cover for a specific territory of interest, with all physical, chemical, biological and respectively agro-productive features of the favorable and limitative productivity factors. The pedological settlement of the assessment operations highlights that earth is extremely differentiated within a territory because of diversity of the environmental factors and conditions.As well, the plants that grow within a certain territory are very different and each of them requires specific conditions to develop and give appropriate crops. The determination of the vegetation factors and of environmental conditions existing on each land area for a certain plant or usage represents the capacity to correctly establish by soil potential rating notes and fertility classes (capability) or, more exactly, the yield capacity of that homogenous land area. The soils within the territory of Becicherecu Mic are the result of the interaction between all pedogenetic factors, among which the predominant are the clime, the relief, the water, the parent rock, the vegetation, and the human being.The whole surface is 4668,5 ha, whence: pastures 428 ha-9,16%, hayfields 510 ha- 10,9%.The soil genesis and evolution in this territory manifest during the time several stages, reflected by the two existing geomorphological units themselves.Thus, the high plain, the oldest form, presents evaluated soils as follows: chernozem, cambic chernozem, phaeozem, calcic luvisol, gleysol and eroded soils (erodosol, SRCS 2003). Where the underground water is at 2-5 meters, there were observed gleysation processes from moderate (in the case of valley lines) to wet-phreatic. In the case of the negative land forms, the pluvial water caused low processes of pseudo-gleysation. The sloping lands were affected by low to strong surface erosion processes, directly correlated to slope inclination. By analysis and data interpretation we can enounce that the soils within this commune could be classified for pasture and hayfield usage as follows: Fluvisol (class IV – pastures, class VI - hayfields); Anthropic regosol (class III – pastures, class VI – hayfields); Chernozem (class VII - pastures, class V - hayfields); Eutric cambisol (class VII – pastures, class VIII - hayfields);  Haplic and calcic luvisol (class V- pastures, class VII -  hayfields); Vertisol (class V- pastures, VI – hayfields);  Gleysol (class VI - pastures, class VIII – hayfields); Solonetz (class X – pastures, X – hayfields);  Eroded soils (class  IX- pastures,  X – hayfields).
land assessment; environmental factors; potential rating notes; land usage categories
Presentation: oral

