Veaceslav Mazăre, Marius Stroia, Luminiţa Cojocariu None
The land assessment represents a complex operation of establishment and naturalistic characterization of the lands, respectively of the whole environmental conditions and factors which are expressed on a certain terrestrial surface, through a system of technical indices and soil potential rating notes and the determination of the land yield capacity for different usages and plant cultures, for a specific technology, with the purpose of its qualitative and valuable characterization (Ianoş Gh., Puşcă I.,1998; Florea N., Munteanu I., 2000). The Făget Hills are located in the eastern side of the Timiş County, at 65 km of Timişoara city and at approximately 15 km by Lugoj city. This relief unit, lithological and geomorphological distinct, is located between the following geographical coordinates: eastern longitude: 22 0 23′ − 22 0 25′; northern latitude: 45 0 43′ − 45 0 46′. The researched perimeter is enclosed within a moderate continental temperate climate with oceanic and subtropical influences, with not too hot summers and soft winters. The capability classes are established depending on the presence and intensity of the restrictions which condition the usage way, depending on the prevention measures of soil degradation, arrangement requirements, and also depending on the economic requirements. The enclosing within classes was realized considering the strongest intensity of one or many natural or anthropic existing factors. The diversity of the natural conditions in Făget Hills, the numerous restrictive factors that acted and still act, create a large variety of the agricultural land yield capacity for different usage categories or of these lands for various culture plants, for fruit-wine species or for spontaneous flora. With the goal to realize an overview of the land capability for different agricultural usage categories, there was elaborated a ranking consisting of 10 capability classes. Each class comprises a range interval by 10 points, from the most favorable class – class I (91-100 points) to class X – the least favorable (0-10 points). The land grouping thus conceived was related to the whole research agricultural surface by 37942,4 ha and it consisted of summa of all soil unit surfaces, on usage categories. The potential rating notes of the soil units were enclosed within one or another range interval described by the 10 capability classes. For the usage model “pasture”, the agricultural lands of Făget Hills are classified within superior capability classes comparing to those destined to arable usage. This is due to the grassland species affinity for moderate humidity excess, to the high declivity tolerance, to the increased debasification etc. Considering these, the agricultural land capability for the pasture usage is extended, especially for the classes IV (18319,1 ha 49,58%) and VI (11864,2 ha 32,11%). Unlike other usage categories, the pasture is enclosed within superior classes of capability: I (3022,5 ha) and II (2767,4 ha 7,49%) and moderate IV (18319,2 ha 49,58%). The extended surface of the sloped lands, the accentuated declivity and the excess of humidity during the aestival periods make that on these relief forms the hayfields have inferior capability comparing to the pastures (class III- 5789,8 ha 15,67%), V (16907,6 ha 45,76%) and VI (12089,5 ha 32,72%). A few surfaces are enclosed within inferior classes of capability (VII- 1186,3 ha 3,21%, VIII- 860,9 ha 2,33%, IX-114,5 ha 0,31%).
Presentation: oral

