Florina Radu, Mirela Ahmadi, Luminiţa Cojocariu, Florin Marian, Cristian Bostan, Aurica Borozan None
The target of this paper was to demonstrate the biostimulators influence on chemical composition of Alfalfa. Alfalfa is appreciated because of its use as animal feed, having a very good production capacity and perennity. It is also resistant to frost and drying, but response promptly at irrigation. Alfalfa has high capacity of poisoning and in exceptional crop conditions it can be harvest 5 to 6 time in a year (Moisuc A and Dukic D., 2002). Alfalfa can be used as green fodder, hay, silage (in combination with graminaceae), hay flour, granules, or for preparation of combined feed. Also, Alfalfa is a principal component of temporary grassland sed after mowed. In the biological crop system, Alfalfa flour has essential role in bovine Medicago sativa is one of the ameliorator plants of soil because of its high content in nitrogen that remain in the soil, and thus improve the physical state of soil. Alfalfa is a very good source for good protein quality, with appreciable content of high biological value amino aciResearchers try to find the secrets of genotip-biostimulators interactions, having the results increasing fodder yield and quality of Alfalfa plants. Quality of a crop used as animal feed has in view the increasing of total protein con digestibi, amino acids content and profileta-carotene content and composition in other vitamins, and also to decrea the quantity of hemoly saponins content (Babinec et al., 2003; Oleszek and Marston, 2000). In this paper, from different crops of Alfalfa treated with var biostimulators, we analyzed som concentration, such as: liposoluble vitamins – vitamin A, and vitamin E; and water soluble vitamins – vitamin B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , B 12 and vitamin C.The methods for quantitative analysis were specified for every vitamin. The results of our study demonstrate that biostimulators can positively influence the content of vitamins – especially liposoluble vitamins, in case of using Magafol as lucerne crop biostimulator. Alfalfa, usually used as feed, is used for a long time in traditional medicine for it’s therapeutically effects. Also, the Alfalfa leafs contains high quantities of vitamins (liposoluble vitamins A, D, E, K; and hydrosoluble vitamins B, C).
Alfalfa; biostimulators; liposoluble and water soluble vitamins
Presentation: oral

