Gheorghe Brătucu, Gheorghe Păunescu NoneThe researches object in this paper consists in the realization of an improved system of automatic adjustment for temperature in warehouses for vegetables and fruits, which have simultaneous high safety in operation and reliability . The research stage. Vegetables and fruits presents a major importance for people nutrition, their contribution in different nutrition substances and vitamins being essential in humans health. Consuming them immediately after harvesting is possible on short periods of time, in most cases being necessary their storage. In the paper is researched only the problems of fruits and vegetables storage in a fresh condition , depositing which is made on short periods of time (green papers - 8…10 days, strawberries- 1…5 days, cultivated mushrooms-3…7 days etc.), average periods of time (watermelons-2 weeks, carrots in links-2 weeks, early potatoes-2…3 weeks) or long periods of time (late potatoes for consume-4…8 months, Ionathan apples -4…8 months, grapes-3…5 months), depending on the variety and products destination. For the most important fruits and vegetables produced in Romanian are specified the temperature, humidity and atmospheric characteristics intervals, which can assure the storage on a précised period of time with minimum depreciation on the biological and nutritive characteristics of this products. For assuring this conditions, in this case of temperature limits, is necessary the using of proper storage rooms, but also the use of automatic adjustment of temperature, as performing as possible. After a comparative analysis of this installations performances, it is concluded that is necessary and possible their perfection, both in functional performances and high safety in operation and reliability. Method and materials used. From the individual parts analysis of the temperature automatic adjustment schemes used in warehouses for fruits and vegetables storage, in the paper is proposed a variant for replacing them, which includes the latest global developments included in the scheme. This scheme gives superior means of monitoring the frequency adjustment and the defects apparition, requiring human intervention. For the scheme parts of the automatic temperature adjustment is made a research for the predictable reliability of the similarly components used in current equipments. The originality and the importance of the paper. From the technical- economical comparison of the actual system and proposed system for automatic temperature adjustment in warehouses for vegetables and fruits storage, results that the proposed system is in all aspects more performing .Using the automatic adjustment system for temperature adequately for fruits and vegetables variety and the storage types will permit their efficiency, knowing that in Romania will be build an important number of this kind of warehouses.
vegetable and fruits; warehouse; temperature; automatic adjustment
Presentation: oral