Maria Roberta GRIDAN, Adrian ALIONESCU, Sorin HERBAN None
The world where we live is in constant changing. The concept of sustainable development, through the fact  that it refers to the optimal resources management that can be efficiently and on long term utilized, is about limiting the effects of  human activity towards the environment. Considering that domestic and industrial activities are based  in a very large proportion  on electricity, the way of its production  represents an important concern. This is an important issue because Romania is a country which has renewable energy sources, which are not exploited at the optimal utilization capacity. To unlock the potential of renewable sources is needed an energy strategy that leverages these renewable energy sources and that our country to align  with  the current European trends. Besides of implementing the electric energy generating solutions through alternative solutions, an element of high importance represents the optimization of the potential use of energy. The monitoring systems provide the right solution for surveying the structure of a long bridge, an hydraulic layout, the movement of a slope, or tracking the settlement of a dam or a building. 3D geometries  play a special role in the modernization projects developed within the existing ones. This paper present the research stages in order to optimal water energy utilization and the identification of the turbines production capacity increasing possibilities.  For achieving this porpoise a complex topographical survey was necessary to highlight the real situation. The topographical measurements were performed using Leica 1205 TCRA total station. The topographical measurements were performed in the following areas: the penstock area, near the butterfly valve and in  the spiral case area. The data, obtained  from the topographical measurements, were compared with the reconstructed 3D geometry, based on the documentation made available by the beneficiary. Based on the differences between the two geometries the modernization conclusions were presented.
sustainable development, monitoring,3D reconstruction; polar coordinates; hydraulic layout
Presentation: oral

