Andreea GHICA, Ionel SAMFIRA NoneReed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), is a C 3 – photosynthesis grass species that is invasive in temperate and boreal wetland communities in North America, where was a native species in North America prior to the arrival of European settlers. The introduction of varieties from many European sorces since the mid – nineteenth century resulted in invasive populations that now form near monocultures in former sedge meadows [17], [18], [11], [22], [19], [9]. Phalaris arundinacea has also been shown to reduce plant species richness in wetlands altered by beaver [23]. Today represent one of the most efficient producers of herbaceous biomass in boreal conditions [17]. Phalaris arundinacea occurs throughout most of the continental United States, it occurs north throughout Canada and into Alaska [31] and as far south as northern Mexico [1]. Allard and Evans [8] indicated that species in North America distribution is likely a reflection of its need for long days for flowering. In present Phalaris arundinacea is common species in the northern half of the United States and southern third of Canada [19], especially in the Pacific Northwest [6], [14]. Plants Database provides a map of Phalaris arundinacea North American distribution, excluding Mexico. This very large presence arrived because of its rapid above and belowground growth and tolerance of wet soils and has been planted for use in erosion and sedimentation management [3]. Reed canarygrass is exceptionally high-yielding for hay. However, low-quality hay is frequently made because this grass is usually grown alone in areas too wet to harvest until late in the season. Reed canarygrass requires heavy fertilization to maintain a high level of production. The tall, coarse nature of this grass makes it acceptable to harvest as silage. By making this crop into silage, it is often possible to save the crop when conditions are such that it is difficult to cure as hay.
Phalaris arundinacea, reed canary grass, genetics features, hay production, sillage
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