Mihaela CORCHES, Luminiţa COJOCARIU, Irina JURMESCU NoneThe adaptability of a cultivar is generally defined as the genetic feature which enables the plant to give yields that are both high and stable in different environmental conditions. The result of the interaction between the cultivar and the environment is expressed in the adaptability and yield stability of that specific cultivar. (Savatti, 2004). Introducing new varieties of fodder grasses, which are better from the point of view of their quality and quantity than the current ones, is a necessity, since the creation of intensive grasslands is the most important measure towards an increase in the production of forage. This paper aims at finding the dependence between the main production characters in variety Eminent of Lolium perenne. The variability study of the main characters (tiller height, number of vegetative tillers, plant weight, foliar surface) was made on the basis of biometric determinations. We determined linear correlations among the above-mentioned morphologic characters and then, based on these correlations, we ran a principal component analysis. In order to reach this goal, we studied variety Eminent in 2009 trying to find the influence of tiller number, tiller height and foliar surface on the weight of the plant. The investigated characters are more or less dependent on one another; each of these influences plant weight to some extent. There is significant positive linear correlation between the number of tillers and plant weight; between tiller height and plant weight; between the number of tillers and plant weight for Eminent variety of Lolium perenne . In conclusion, the correlation between plant weight, tiller number and plant weight is positive. An exception is the character of foliar surface, where the correlation between plant weight, number of tillers, tiller height and foliar surface is negative and statistically insignificant. Based on these correlations, we established the functional dependences among these well-correlated morphological characters, for Eminent variety. Thus, an increase in the number of tillers and plant size influences in a positive way the plant weight in Eminent variety of Lolium perenne The results of our research show that an increase in tiller number and height has a positive influence on plant weight for variety Eminent of Lolium perenne .
Lolium perenne, Arid III, production characteristics, depencences.
Presentation: oral