Adrian SMULEAC, Mihai HERBEI, Cosmin POPESCU None
The digital model of an object or phenomenon is made up of a systematically stored data collection (database) that describes a three-dimensional system of coordinates, arbitrary or particularly can form the object features or states/accomplishments of the phenomenon (conversion as a digital image) and allow by calculation programmes, deducting the object or states shape and features for the phenomenon in new points (ACEST FRAGMENT ESTE TOTAL ILOGIC, NU POT SA VERIFIC TRADUCEREA PT. CA NU AM VARIANTA ROMANA). Modelling the areas is the process of representing graphically a natural or artificial area by using one or more mathematical equations.  Modelling the terrestrial area is a particular case of modelling an area where we should take into account the specific problems of representing the Earth or some of its parts. Several fields in which the digital model has immediate applicability are the following: telecommunication systems analysis, pipe networks (water pipes) design, system command and control. The digital system can be applied in all other fields where it is necessary to know altitude information in different points of an area. The term “digital terrain model” was used for the first time in 1958 by Miller and Laflamme who defined it as “a statistic representation of continuous area by using a great number of points whose horizontal coordinates (x, y) together with the altitude (z) are known and this representation is made in an arbitrary coordinates system”. The digital terrain model represents an informatics’ instrument composed by terrain data and software that represent a basic component of a G.I.S. The digital terrain model (DTM) has three subsystems: 1. Digital elevation model – DEM – contains altitudes, slopes, curves, etc. 2. Digital planimetric model – DPM – contains planimetric data and elements. 3. Digital model of objects nature – DEN – contains pedologic, geologic, hydrologic data etc. DTM generation is related to the data acquisition method, the making of the model by using different interpolation methods and also choosing the structure of data representation (raster or TIN)
sustainable development, environment protection, G.I.S., modelling, digital terrain model
Presentation: oral

