Daniela PÎSLEA, F. SALA None
Our research focused on the influence of mineral fertilization on the yield and some qualityindices in maize crops. Taking into consideration the variable conditions for nutrition determined by theirregular rainfall regime and the humidity deficit happening in recent years in the periods of maximumconsumption, making the best of fertilizers has become a problem. In this context, we tested the influenceof mineral fertilization on the nutrition of maize plants, on yield and its quality. The fertilization systemwas based on complex fertilizers and ammonium nitrate for obtaining the necessary quantity of nitrogen.Two thirds of the complex fertilizers were applied at sowing, and the rest of the complex and ammoniumnitrate was administered in the vegetative stage of 3-4 leaves. Complex fertilizers were used in threevariants NPK 0-50-100-150 kg a.s. ha-1 and nitrogen varied between 0 and 200 kg ha-1. Over theexperimental period, fertilizer bioavailability was strongly influenced by the rainfall regime, and by soilhumidity. Use of fertilizers was different from one agricultural year (2010-2011) to the other (2011-2012), as a result of the unfavorable rainfall regime, in what the quantity and time distribution areconcerned. Therefore, fertilization efficiency was strongly affected by soil humidity and nutrientbioavailability. Yield oscillated between 4207 kg ha -1 and 8120 kg ha -1 in the agricultural year 2010 -2011 and between 2315 kg ha -1 and 5710 kg ha-1 in the agricultural year 2011-2012. Due to moisturedeficit, nitrogen had bigger influence on the formation of the maize yield in 2011 and a smaller influencein 2012. PK contribution was observed in the formation of the yield by increasing drought resistance inplants, as the oscillation level of the yield to nitrogen variation being lower on soils treated with PK thanin soils with PK0.
mineral fertilizers, fertilization, maize crop, yield, quality indices
Presentation: oral

