Gheorghe SECHEȘAN None
The paper in question has a basis in the idea that one of the first primordial elementof creation (if not the first element) – earth, air, fire, water – that the acient Greeks named GeeaMater and Romanians called Mother Earth (Mama Pământ) etc. If we are to closer analyze, almostall of the world's mythologies have the primordial deity as representing the Earth. We will discusssome „facets” of this acient deity, as well as the sum of the „mythological aspects” of the Earth, fromthe oldest known cultures up to christianity, where „dirt” represents the fundamental „creationistmatter”. Some of these are quite imposing and they show not only that man had a different bond withnature, but also that, today, the individual has strayed from his cradle of origin. Mircea Eliade relates astory, according to which an elder native American was asked why he would not farm his land, so hecan sell the harvest, to scythe the grass to thus exploit nature's bounty. To this, the old man replied thathe could not scratch the skin of his Mother Earth, to cut her hair, just to obtain monetary advantages.The paper will also take into consideration the cultural „career” of the motive in question,distinctly the way in which the goddess Geea was integrated into the cultural, social and eveneconomic value system. We will observ a transmutation from the notion of the „holliness of the earth”,as a sacred notion, the earth that gives birth to us and feeds us, to the term of holy land. We willcertanly limit ourselves to simply enunciat ing the subjects mentioned, as the matter implies a moreample study sizing in the dimensions of an entire volume. In the current context, despite the advancedand modern technics of harvesting the land, hunger seems to be, yet again, a menacing threat, as inthe Middle Ages. We believe that resuscitating an interes for Mother Earth is a welcomed idea. Wewill thus point out, through the course of this paper, the most intresting myths, legends and beliefsabouth the Earth.
Presentation: oral

