Andreea Nicoleta LĂZĂROIU, Denisa Izabela BARBĂLATĂ, Costel BÂRLIBA NoneWEB CADGEN application is a part of the informational tools package for data migration from General Cadastral in the system integrated by Cadastre and Real Estate Register.
General Cadastral is the unitary and mandatory system of technical, economic and legal records of real estate throughout the country.
A Cadastral survey is a project developed on a certain period of time, and has as a purpose collection, approval, correlation, aggregation and delivery to the beneficiary of his own technical and legal data of General Cadastral record.
The realization of cadastre is not only a mapping of real estate but also actual determination of property right and collection of the data necessary for property and possession rights certificate.
The process needs a permanent interaction with citizens both at their residence and in the field.
During cadastral surveys the contractor will retrieve information of a legal nature that take in the account identification of all real estate owners and registration of property right in real estate register, based on transfer, constitutive or declaratory deeds, as well as documents that provide possession.
The owner is the legal part that contracted service realization from general cadastral survey; in the current situation, the owner of general cadastral surveys is ANCPI.
The supplier is the legal part that provides general cadastral survey service realization, performing measurements, data collection, approval and correlating to deliver them to the owner a full cadastral data package on the contracted area.
The supplier can retrieve from eTerra database all the information corresponding to an UAT, to a set of selected properties, etc. for which he will prepare the general cadastral survey. He will process in his own production system the extracted data and the rest of information gathered from the field, etc. and will generate a new actualized data set.
WEB application, general cadastre, Digital Real Estate Register.
Presentation: oral