Roman Mihail Bogdan, Valeriu Tabără, Ioana Maria Mateaş None
Abstract : Wheat is the most important cultivated plant, the largest share food . Large surfaces that is sown , and the attention of the plant are due to enjoy : the high content of grain in carbohydrates and proteins and the ratio of these substances requisite body , long grain preservation challenge and the fact that they can be transported without difficulty that the plant has high ecological plasticity , being grown in culture .Wheat berries are mainly used to produce flour for the manufacture of bread - the staple food for a large number of people ( according to some statistics, 35-40 % of the world population ) . Also seeds wheat used for making pasta , and as raw material for other industries very different. Stalks ( straw ) left after harvesting have multiple uses : raw material for pulp, husk , coarse forage , organic fertilizer , incorporated as such in the soil immediately after harvest or after being subjected to a composting process . Bran - waste from the milling industry - are particularly valuable concentrated feed , rich in protein, fat and minerals .Beans , wheat and feed can be focused very much appreciated , higher corn in terms of nutritional value , price and even as productivity . Seeds use as feed wheat is less prevalent here, but it is practiced in most major wheat producing countries . In terms of agronomy , crop wheat offers the advantage that it is fully mechanized . Also , wheat is a very good prior to conducting summer plowing . Therefore after wheat may be sown in principle any culture , after harvesting early varieties of wheat can be placed some successive cultures . Cultivated varieties . Assortment of Varieties currently accepted to be cultivated varieties include only Romanian . These varieties are characterized by a potential grain production of 9-10 tons / ha , resistance to lodging , frost , winter hardiness , drought and disease , nutritional value and high technological grain crop stability . Experience is bifactorial type, so that the annual repeat the cycle terminates the experimental field we have experience in first year, second year and third year. The biological matherial used were variety Dropia.
Keywords: wheat, fertilizer, density.
Presentation: oral

