Casiana MIHUȚ, L. NIȚĂ None
The main environmental and socio-economic functions that have soil , impart quality support for the development of life, but also functions as a ,,recycler” of dead organic matter and some pollutants. Arad is located in the west of Romania and covers an area of 7.754 km2 (3.2%) is the sixth largest city in Romania. It has a varied relief, being represented by mountains, which occupy about half of the county (Forest-Moma Mountains, Zarandului; Găina) hills with heights of 200-400 m (Crişene Hills, pediment Syria Hills Lipovei) plains that make up the lowest step of 95-200 m and comprises Cermeiului Plain Plain White Cris, Arad high Plain and Plain Vingăi. The agricultural area of Arad County is 66% of the total area of the county and 3.4% of Romania, of which 68.46% is arable and use, while 24.75% is occupied by pastures, land ownership structure majority being private. Due to massive deforestation, soil transformations use categories, especially in arable or pedogenesis processes that have changed meaning, whether amplified the speed and intensity of expression. Most times, the evolution of these soils within a chaotic, with overruns stage without the normal interactions between the various factors enter into the process. The county has the following river basins: Cris Black, White Körös, Maros and Bega. The hydrographic network is dominated by the two arteries: Mures, with a total length of 761 m (220 m in the county) and Cris White. This paper aims to make a survey of the main soils in Arad affected by some degradation processes, stakeholders and improvement measures are taken to prevent future undesirable manifestation of these processes. Soils taken in the research were: Luvisols, Stagnosols, Gleysols, Anthrosols and Anthrosols erodic. The main degradation processes of these soils are represented by erosion, organic matter decline, contamination, compaction, soil sealing, landslides and floods.
soil, degradation, improvement, process, factor
Presentation: oral

