Alina, NEACȘU, G.-G., ARSENE, Ilinca, IMBREA, Alma, NICOLIN, F., FAUR None
The study presents an overview of the cormophyte diversity that constitutes the aquatic and paludicolous phytocenosis of the main wetlands (as surface) from Timis County: Surduc, Liebling, Pişchia and Sânandrei (meanwhile, the lake was drained). Their vegetation has been the subject of a doctoral thesis ( NEACŞU, 2008). Number of surveys (phytosociological) on which this summary is made is 134, and the plant associations (sensu COLDEA et al., 2012) are 29. Of these, seven are aquatic and paludicolous 22. Number of phytocenoses sampled from each association vary by occupied area and uniformity, ranging from 1 (e.g. associations Lemno minoris - Spirodeletum W. Koch 1954, Agrostidetum stoloniferae (Újvárosi 1941) Burduja et al., 1956, Alopecuretum pratensis Regel 1925) to 15 (e.g. association Caricetum ripario - acutiformis Kobenza 1930). As specific diversity variables are presented per surveying the number of species, number of species per association, the number of species per sampling site. It appears that aquatic phytocoenosis are monospecific, consist of a small number of species, while the paludicolous, have higher species diversity due to the fact that in their floristic composition, there are other species that come from proximity accumulations. Number of species per surveying is between one (e.g. association Najadetum minoris Ubrizsy 1948, 1961) and 18 species (e.g. association Polygono hydropiperi - Bidentetum Lohm. 1950). Number of species in aquatic associations is between 1 (e.g. association Najadetum minoris Ubrizsy, 1948, 1961) and 6 species per surveying (e.g. association Polygono - Potametum natantis Soó 1964). Number of species, in paludicolous phytocoenoses associations varies from 3 (e.g. associations Schoenoplectetum lacustris Eggler 1933, Rubo - Salicetum cinereae Sonasak 1963 - survey of 2) to 18 species (e.g. association Polygono hydropiperi - Bidentetum Lohm. 1950). The total number of cormophyte species is 285, highest diversity occurring in the Pischia (170 species). Among the remarkable species in terms of nature conservation, Lindernia procumbens (Krocker) Philcox, is listed as species of Community interest requires strict protection. Species with low frequency are Peplis portula L., Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roemer et Schultes, Leersia oryzoides (L.) Swartz, Najas minor All., Oenanthe banatica Heuffel (all found only in Surduc). Some of that, whose existence is endangered, are part of high conservation value habitats.
wetlands, cormophyte, species diversity
Presentation: oral

