Tulbure Cristina None
The study observes the identification of personality factors which correlate significantly with the adolescents’ academic achievement. The research was performed on a batch of 284 students enlisted in the first year of study, their ages ranging from 18 to 25 years old. The main method of investigation consists on the inquiry based on a questionnaire, with the usage of a personality questionnaire as a research tool. The academic achievement is operationalised by the average of the academic results obtained by students at disciplines studied during their first university year. The determination of the relation between academic achievement and personality traits was realised by the calculus of Bravais-Pearson (r) correlation coefficient value. The analysis and the interpretation of results were made in comparison with four categories of personality factors measured by the applied questionnaire: intellectual factors, temperamental factors, characteristic factors and factors which belong to the Ego manifestations. The results obtained by the statistical processing of data have underlined the fact that a multitude of personality factors correlate with the academic achievement expressed through the mean of the academic results obtained at examinations. Thus, there is a direct correlation, strongly significant (p < 0,01), between the academic achievement and the personality variables which indicate: openness, cooperation; emotional stability, maturity; conscientiousness, conformism; self-esteem; to those there will be added the personality factors which correlate directly, significantly (p < 0,05) with the academic achievement: enthusiasm, spontaneity; uncertainty, anxiety and the secondary order personality factor that indicate the degree of dynamism; also, anxiety proved to be a secondary factor having serious bearings on the academic achievement, as it correlate negatively with the level of results obtained by students. The conclusions of the study may be of real use not only to the researchers in the area of education psychology but and also to the practitioners in the domain of education who, leaving from the knowing the students’ personality can improve the quality of the instructional-educational process, by revaluating the maximum potential of each student.
academic achievement, personality factors, adolescents
Presentation: oral

