F. PRUNAR, Silvia PRUNAR, Ana-Maria CORPADE, Carmen SORESCU, Alma NICOLIN NoneThe Eftimie Murgu village, known by its old slave name Rudăria is famous due to his biggest Mulinologic
Complex from South-East of the Europe and due of the Rudăria Canyon presence. The value of the zone
was increased in 2007 when was declared the firsts Romanian Sites of Community Importance (SCI), part of
the network Natura 2000 near Eftimie Murgu village being established ROSCI 0032 Cheile Rudăriei. The
study carried out in 2013 in the protected area ROSCI 0032 Cheile Rudăriei on invertebrates, amphibians
and reptiles. Although the protected area occupying only 300 hectares, the observations showed that the
national or community interest species are more than those for which was founded the protected area. The
area is stretched along the Rudăria Valley, the meadow being flanked either by sunny slopes with shrubs and
barren areas which form the canyon in their lower part, either by forests with narrow and shaded valleys. This
geographical diversity favor the presence of various habitats despite the restricted surface of the area. Besides
the two species mentioned in sit (Austropotamobius torrentium Schrank, 1803 -priority species and Cerambyx
cerdo Linnaeus, 1758-IUCN vulnerable status in Word and near threatened in Europe) was identified another
six species: three beetles (Cucujus cinnaberinus Scopoli, 1763, Morimus funereus Mulsant, 1863 and Carabus
variolosus Fabricius, 1787), two butterflies (Nymphalis vaualbum Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775 and Euplagia
(Callimorpha) quadripunctaria Poda, 1761) and one dragonfly (Cordulegaster heros Theischinger, 1979). As
protected herpetofauna in the Rudaria SCI was considered Testudo hermanni and Vipera ammodytes. After the
observations and information’s collected, the presence of the Testudo hermanni in this area is doubtful. As new
herpetological protected species can be mentioned Bombina variegata and between the species mentioned to
the IV Annex of the Council Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC are present Coronella austriaca, Lacerta viridis and
Podarcis muralis. Was assessed the conservation status and the major threats for the protected species. Biggest
problem for population conservation is the small size of the protected area and reduced number of areas with
favourable habitats which will make more difficult the conservation efforts for the protected populations into an
area with a limited perimeter.
ROSCI 0032 Cheile Rudăriei, protected species
Presentation: oral