Laura SMULEAC, Silvica ONCIA, Anișoara IENCIU, Radu BERTICI, Adrian ȘMULEAC, Vlad MIHĂIESC None
Abstract: Water is the most widespread natural resource on Earth: it participates in all physical, chemical, and biological processes. Thus, water is present mainly in the evolution of life on our planet and in the evolution and the continuous change of the terrestrial crust. For the humans, water plays an exclusive role in all economic fields. In these conditions, water should be protected and carefully monitored. Yet, human activities bring about environmental pollution that is increasingly frequent, intense, complex, and long lasting. Pollution has become a serious issue and, as far as ground waters are concerned, it is even more serious, at least for two main reasons: it is the main source of drinking water also used in the food industry and, when polluted, the phenomenon lasts for long periods. If, not long ago, industry was considered the main cause of pollution, rural activities have started to draw specialists’ attention because of their negative impact on the environment. The use of chemical fertilisers in agriculture is an active source of pollution of the water table with ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, phosphorus, etc.; animal farm complexes that release ammonia, urea, sulphured hydrogen, acids, and other substances into the soil add to the pollution. The lack of water treatment plants and the uncontrolled storage of wastes increase the risk of contamination of underground waters. In these conditions, it is necessary to establish the quality of ground waters, to identify pollution sources, and to establish measures to reduce pollution effects. The goal of the paper is to establish the quality of the ground waters in Boldur, Timis County, Romania. The authors monitored it through three drills. Water was sampled in June and November for the period 2010-2012. The main quality indices they determined were content of dissolved oxygen, nitrate content, nitrite content, ammonia content, content of total phosphorus, content of total nitrogen, and chloride content. Results show the type of impact of agricultural works on the quality of ground water in the area.
ground water, oxygen regime, nutrient regime, impact of anthropic activities
Presentation: oral

