Dacian COCLEA, Simona NIŢĂ, Ioana Maria MATEAŞ, Alin ALBAI, Dorin POPA, Lucian BORTĂ None
History shows that cereals have always maintained their significance, along the development of human society and to this day. In addition, however, one can see a close link between grain production and progress of civilization. Sorghum is a very old culture, known in India for over 2000 years, cultivated for: beans, brooms, rich in sugar syrup, animal feed or fodder crop as green. Climate Change to heating and arid during 2001-2050 in the Balkans, which is located and Romania, requires a reconsideration of sorghum as: cereal food (beans composite flour used in the formula for baking gluten and gluten-free, fresh juice, extracted of strains used in the manufacture of syrup, vinegar and other food), fodder (as green mass, hay storage, feed pellets) and crops (sorghum and sorghum mature mellitus for the production of raw materials for energy (liquid, solid, gas, electricity, heat), chemical (stationery and textile pulp, plastics), building materials and craft industry (of household and industrial brushes, brooms, blended. Sorghum grains used directly in the form of flour feeding people in some parts of Africa, India, China, Middle East and Egypt. In industry is used in the manufacture of starch, alcohol and beer, mixed with grains of barley. The sweet sorghum juice is extracted a sweet, rich and varied sucrose vegetable substances energy use. In many parts of the world sorghum was traditionally used in various foods such as porridge , unleavened bread, cookies, cakes, couscous and various soft drinks and alcoholic. sorghum has unique properties that make it very suitable for food use. Some varieties of sorghum are rich in antioxidants and all varieties of sorghum are without gluten, an alternative attractive for those suffering from wheat allergy. Modern science in food and nutrition, attaches great importance to the role of nutrition in prevention of onset. Special attention is given to the development of food products for people with increased sensitivity to certain foods. The culture of sorghum, using far fewer pesticides than other crops (wheat and corn). It should be noted that the sorghum plant is not lost anything after processing. Experience has been located in specific on a brown ground, I-mezogleizat moderate slope deposits formed from decomposition and alteration of basic metamorphic rocks. Experience is bifactorial type, so that the annual Repeat the cycle terminates the experimental field we have experience in first year, second year and third year. The biological material used Roza and Carmen were hybrid and variety. Analysis of the proportions involved parts of plants (stems, leaves and panicles) in total production from sweet sorghum green table shows that are strongly influenced by weather conditions and phyto measures applied.
Keywords: sweet sorghum, green mass, hybrid, variety, fertilization.
Presentation: oral


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