Ioana Maria MATEAŞ, Valeriu TABĂRĂ , Alin ALBAI, Simona NIŢĂ NoneAbstract:In this paper, the main objective was to determine the influence of sowing time on the degree of branching to a few new lines of safflower obtained from the local population of Timisoara. An important role for the quality and number of branches plant safflower obtained vegetation had three macronutrients (N, P , K ) .Safflower was grown for its flowers , used for coloring and flavoring . Safflower name derives from the fact that it was cultivated as a cheaper alternative to saffron . This content carthamină because flowers , like saffron . Safflower flowers have calming properties cough . Pigments from safflower flowers are of particular importance for not leave toxic residues colored products . Pigments are synthesized in the root where the vegetation migrates through the conductive tissues in petals. Carthamina is one of the most valuable non-toxic compounds used in the food or in the textile industry . The seeds are used in the treatment of tumors , especially for the localized in the liver. Flowers are considered as having laxative properties , sedative , and is used to treat scarlet fever . It notes that safflower oil is widely used in pharmaceutical industry and antirheumatic detention purgative effect , not oil in the diet increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood. The oil is used as a cure for pain Chinese reumatismale.Medicina recommended seeds in treatment of dysmenorrhea in women , they having an astringent to the uterus . Besides fatty acid content of 32-40 % , the seeds contain protein percentage 11-17 % and 4-7 % water.
To highlight the degree of branching capacity new lines of safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius L.) under study, organized experience bifactorial the experimental factors were: Factor A - sowing period - Age I - MARCH era II a - APRIL , factor B - safflower lines , T 9 , T 10 , T 33 , T 40 low waist .
Placing field experience was made by the method of randomized blocks with plots . The experimental variants were placed in three repetitions with randomization factor B ( safflower lines ) . Researches have shown the influence of planting dates on some elements of productivity achieved by testing new lines of safflower .
Key words: safflower, lines, sowing,branching.
Presentation: oral