Ioana Maria MATEAŞ, Valeriu TABĂRĂ , Alin ALBAI, Simona NIŢĂ None
Abstract: In this paper, the main objective was to determine the influence of sowing on oil content, several new lines of safflower obtained from the local population of Timisoara. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.), as an oil plant, has been known since ancient times. It is cultivated in U.S.A., Israel, Morocco, Spain, Italy, France, Pakistan, Tunisia, India, and Australia. Safflower has been cultivated mainly for the edible oil obtained from its seeds. It is mentioned that safflower oil has wide uses in the pharmaceutical industry, due to its purgative and anti-rheumatism effects. It does not result in an increase of the cholesterol level in the blood. Safflower flowers have tonic properties in cough.Pigments of safflower flowers are particularly important because they leave no toxic residues in coloured products. Pigments are synthesised in the root where, during vegetation, they migrate towards leading tissues towards the petals.The oil is used as a remedy for rheumatic pains. Outside the fatty acid content of 32-40% and a percentage seeds contain 11-17% protein and 4-7% water. Carthamine is one of the most valuable non-toxic compounds used in the food industry or in the textiles industry.Results obtained recently in China concern the use of safflower flowers-based medicines with good effects on coronary diseases and on angina pectoris, curing 75.6% of the total patients treated.The incidence of re-occurrence of cardiac crises as well as of side-effects is rarer than in the case of nitro-glycerine-based medicines.In order to reach the goals of our research, we used 4 safflower lines obtained through individual selection from a population of Timişoara.To highlight content burrs safflower oil (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under study, organized experience bifactorial the experimental factors were: Factor A - sowing period - the era I - MARCH era II - APRIL, factor B - safflower lines, T 9, T 10, T 33, T 40 low waist. Placing field experience was made by the method of randomized blocks with plots. The experimental variants were placed in three repetitions with randomization factor B (safflower lines). Researches have shown the influence of planting dates on some elements of productivity achieved by testing new lines of safflower.
Key words: safflower, oils, lines, sowing.
Presentation: oral


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