Silvia BARBU, Vlad MIRCOV None
The aspect from one day to another represents the change in a specified weather that express themselves through decreased or increased temperature, precipitation, strong wind, fog or other meteorological phenomena. The concept of climate is situated on a higher level of abstraction than the concept of weather (Ion- Bordei and Bojariu, 2005). The climate of a place, of a country of the Earth can be defined as one long-term synthesis measure by the time walking from one day to another. The World Meteorological Organization offered in 1984, the next definition " climate represents synthesis of weather conditions in a particular region based on long observation sequences (at least 30 years) of atmospheric variables" (Climatological practices Guide, WMO, 1984). Weather is what is happening in nature at a time, while climate is a measure of what is expected to happen in any month, season or year and refers to certain statistical parameters calculated from the data of observations for a period of several years. These statistics parameters relating generally to the mean, standard deviation, and so on, include extreme events (droughts, floods, heat waves, cold waves, and so on). The climate of a region is determined by factors such as radiative, dynamic and physical geography. They directly affect spatial-temporal variation of climatic elements in a given territory. Western Plain has a warm temperate continental climate with moderate humidity throughout the year, without excessive dry season and relatively mild summers, warm and cold season, is thermally well delimited. During 1961-2010, the average annual air temperature in the Western Plain has been growing. Growth is not alarming, growth rate is reduced. The largest increase is noted in the southern weather stations, most commonly affected by advection of warm tropical air masses. The warmest year of the period 1961-2010 was 2000 and 2007, and the coldest year was 1980 and 1985. There were no years "exceptionally warm" (deviations> 2.5 ° C). Also were not reported years "very warm" nor "too cold". Annual rainfall is a typical temperate continental climate, with a maximum in June and a minimum in February. Summarizing data on seasonal mean temperature regime during 1961-2010, significant heating is evident during the summer. In winter and in spring this trend is reduced, the average temperature variations are less important. Autumn is seen even a slight decrease in average temperature. Summer warming trend can be caused by an increased anticyclonic configurations simultaneous ground and altitude centered in the north, which intensified after 1987. This increase was caused either by natural causes or anthropogenic (increased greenhouse gases) or by overlapping the two factors.
Presentation: oral

