D. ȚĂRĂU, D. DICU, Delia PÎRȘAN, Liliana BREI, Lica TUTI None
To determine the complex relationships that are established between the different soil properties were undertaken, both in our country and in the world, numerous studies that have elucidated a number of mutual causality thereby helping to define soil taxa, both in terms of genetic and the basic characteristics of the differential input relative to their productivity of land and suitability for plants. (Borza et all., 2005, Canarache, 1980, Răuţă,1997, Rogobete et all.1997, Teaci, 1980,1995). In this context, the research undertaken is in the collection, processing and interpretation of soil information for evaluating the quality of the edaphic coat and its origins in current scientific and practical preoccupations, increasingly hard to identify and put in place an integrated management of agro-ecosystems, efficient from agronomic and ecological point of view, with conservative role for soil and the environment. The research consists of the accumulation of scientific data on the development of components of agricultural ecosystems productivity, for providing to the public authorities from in the considered area, the specialized technical support.The investigated area is located between Timis (north), Pogăniş (east), Bârzava (south), border with Serbia (west), agricultural ecosystems identified in the perimeter in area of 119885 ha, of which 107996 ha is agricultural land. The research of the ecopedologic conditions was made according to “The methodology of elaborating of pedological studies”, vol. I, II and III elaborated by the ICPA Bucharest in 1987, completed with specific elements from the Romanian System of Taxonomy of Soils (SRSTS-2012). To achieve the goal of research, were established objectives to identify and characterize the territorial administrative units (ATU) of the studied space: relief, hydrography and hydrology, climate, edaphic resources; Were also intended to identify water resources and how to use them in the investigated area, and qualitative assessment of soil resources, the nature and intensity of expression of natural and anthropogenic risk factors.Objectives and activities on which it proposes this topic falls within the current internationally and nationally concerns of agricultural research and practice for study eco-pedological relations between conditions and productivity of agricultural land.
soil, quality, assessment, resource, agro-ecosystem
Presentation: oral

