Adrian ŞMULEAC, Cosmin POPESCU NoneThis paper aims at presenting the topographic surveys on the Didactic Station Farm of Timisoara, Romania, at the km 6, on the Timisoara-Arad NR. The farm belongs to the Commune of Dumbravita; it has the cadastral number CC49 and it consists, according to the Land Cadastre (no. 4631) of agricultural and zootechnic administrative buildings, greenhouses, silos, warehouses, winter stables, fuel storages, pump house, drill, water plant, concrete platforms, access roads, and courtyard. The total area of the farm is 12 ha and 7138 m2. In 2005, according to the no. 14597 from April 26, 2005, recorded by the A.N.C.P.I.-O.C.P.I. TIMIŞ, Timişoara Land Cadastre Office, it was recorded in the Land Cadastre of the estate according to the Licence no. 1051/2003 issues by the Mayor of the Commune of Dumbravita as follows: in the 1st step, opening a land cadastre with indefinite character for the territory of the Commune of Dumbravita on the grounds of the art. 61 of Law no. 7/1996 where it is recorded in the database as a unitary compulsory system of technical, economic and legal recording system, plot no. CC49, made up of the “SDT Farm located at the km 6 of the Timisoara-Arad NR”; in the 2nd step, they recorded the ownership right on the estate from the public domain consisting of the buildings and terrain described above in favour of the ROMANIAN STATE in 1/1 quotas as “localisation ownership” as stipulated by the GD no. 123/1993 and GD no. 1225/1996; in the 3rd step, they recorded the right “for administration” on the buildings and terrain described above on the grounds of the same legal acts mentioned above in favour of the BANAT’S UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND VETERINARY MEDICINE OF TIMISOARA, for the DIDACTIC EXPERIMENTAL STATION. Topographic survey was carried out with a Leica TC 805 total station and the support points used were GPS-determined with a Leica Geo Office Combined Programme; the resulting files were transformed with DXF Generate, after which the points were reported in AutoCad with a TopoLT Programme. TopoSys is a special geodesic soft that uses modern calculus conception and procedures to solve the geodesic reference of the observations made with total stations or through the GNSS technology. TopoSys encloses all the functions needed to define and use Coordinate Reference Systems according to international Standards with a larger number of Coordinate Systems defined on local or global geodesic data. Inner methods of filtering errors and compensating data through the Smallest Square Method are the result of scientific research in the field, tested on numerous topographic and geodesic measurements on both local geodesic and national GNSS networks. Coordinates were determined in the Stereographic 1970 projection system and point quotas were determined in relation to the Black Sea level. The TopoSys programme system is special software destined for the processing of 1D, 2D, and 3D geodesic networks, to the compensation of observations through statistic methods, to topographic calculus and to coordinate transformation. Reduced observation compensation is done with the Smallest Square Method with correction equations developed through the indirect method. To filer greater errors, we sued the robust (Danish) method and the TAU test to determine the thrust threshold. After downloading, data processing and turning coordinates from ETRS89 into STEREO’70 with the TransDatRO 4.01 application, we calculated the 3D land model with the TopoLT Programme, a programme functioning on the AutoCad platform.
Farm, 3DModel, GPS, ETRS89, STEREOGRAFIC 1970, TopoLT, TransDatRO, WGS 1984
Presentation: oral