Daniel DICU, Paul PÎRȘAN None
Novelty and originality of the results can be appreciated both in terms of economic efficiency as well as the ease with which this method can be extended in daily practice, not required huge investments and to limit the extension to a larger number of growers, regardless of the cultivated area. The goal of the paper is to valorise the benefic effect of this type of electromagnetic radiations on seed germination and, later on, on plant growth and, last but not least, on the environment, through pollution decrease. The importance of the study comes from the fact that at present, in many countries of the world, there are researches being carried on that present the beneficial effect of these radiations on numerous field crops, and in the field of plant microbiology and physiology. Through electromagnetic stimulation, one can enhance microbiological activity in the soil and the quantitative and qualitative features of the crops. Research was carried out in the laboratory of „Agricultural produce quality analysis” of the Department of Agricultural technologies of the Faculty of Agriculture. The working method used in the experiment is specific to determining germinative capacity, while in the treatment of the seeds we used the generator of electromagnetic radiations. The frequencies used in the seed treatment are those in the lower frequency range of wavelength between 0 and 100 Hz. The duration was 10 minutes and sowing seeds treated realizing immediately after treatment, knowing that such treated seeds must be sown in maximum 7-10 days after making it. We monitored the effect of 7 different wave lengths on 5 maize hybrids compared to the control with the following measurements: germinating energy (%),4 days after treatment, germinating capacity (%) 7 days after treatment, root weight (mg) 7 days after treatment, root length (cm), 7 days after treatment, fresh root volume (g), days after treatment, length of aerial part (cm), 7 days after treatment, weight of aerial part (g), 7 days after treatment. Depending on the magnetic field of the experimental area, a certain wave length can produce a positive or negative effect, which determines the necessity of very laborious studies in order to establish wave lengths for each species (cultivar, hybrid) and the area.
electromagnetic, waves, maize, irradiation, effect
Presentation: oral

