FEHER ANDREA NoneRural entrepreneurship is a recent topic of great interest to the public agenda, due to the ability to generate and support sustainable jobs in rural areas. For Europe Strategy 2020 on smart, sustainable and favorable growth of inclusion to be successful, it is necessary that at European Union level entrepreneurship to be stimulated, especially among young people, to encourage innovative business start and promote a positive culture of entrepreneurship and development of small and medium enterprises. The important role of education in promoting attitudes and behaviors specific to entrepreneurial spirit, either in formal education or within typical activities of training through projects, is now generally recognized. The present paper aims to showcase the importance of training and development activities of entrepreneurial skills among the rural population to lead to a sustainable development of the areas and to the optimal enhancement of human rural potential. The methodology meets the specific requirements of a project based on training activities on entrepreneurship in rural areas. The paper is based on the results of the project "Promoting entrepreneurship for increasing the employment degree in rural areas", which was cofinanced by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development, Priority Axis 5 "Promoting active employment measures", Key Area of Intervention 5.2 "Promoting long-term sustainability of rural areas in terms of human resource development and employment". The project involves stimulating the development of knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial behavior of potential entrepreneurs in rural areas, addressing the three target groups, namely: people looking for a job, inactive persons and employed people in subsistence agriculture, which are able to generate local development and employment opportunities by developing their own businesses.
entrepreneurship, rural area, project, target group, training, entrepreneurial skills
Presentation: oral