Victor ŢÎŢEI 1, Alexandru MUNTEAN 2, Valentina COŞMAN 3 None
Introduction: Taking into account the expansion of areas of degraded soils and the frequency of droughts in our country is necessary to mobilize and introduction new species that would ensure production in these severe conditions. An essential role may have plants of the genus Sorghum. Aims: The objective of this research was to evaluate yield and fodder value, biomass calorific value of new species Sorghum almum Parodi in Moldova’ conditions. Materials and methods: The species Sorghum almum Parodi, which were cultivated in the Botanical Garden (Institute) of the ASM, served as object of study. Investigations on growth and development, productivity and the nutritional value of fodder plants according to known methods were performed. Automatic calorimeter LAGET MS-10A with accessories was used for the biomass calorific value determination. Results: We have established that plants of Sorghum almum appear on the soil surface after 5-7 days from sowing. In the first year develops a strong root system and its aerial part is a bush of 2 - 4 shoots about 2.0 m tall, the plant goes through all phases till full ripening of seeds. In the following years, the resumption of vegetation starts in April and a bush can develop up to 20 shoots which attain a height of 3.0 m. The natural fodder first cut reach 25.0-38.4 t / ha in July, the leaves constituting 31.9-35.9 %; the dry matter - 22.0-29.9%; the protein - 6.8-8.0% abs. dry matter. The fresh mass used as natural forage and for the preparation of silage. To produce solid bio fuel, the Sorghum almum plants can be harvested in August-September by mowing and drying in swaths or by grinding in November-December when the temperatures are below 0 ºC and when the humidity is reduced to 10%. The biomass yield, depending on age and manner of exploitation of the plantation, is about 11-15 t/ha. The bulk density of the biomass is of 118-133 kg/m3, the gross calorific value reaches 18.6 MJ/kg, the ash content - 3.7%. Conclusion: The species Sorghum almum is a promising crop in Moldova’ conditions.
Keywords: Sorghum almum Parodi, biological peculiarities, productivity, nutritional value, biomass calorific value
Presentation: oral

