Alexandru TELEUŢĂ 1, Victor ŢÎŢEI 1, Sergiu COŞMAN 2 None
Introduction: In the context of acute shortage protein substances in forages, which influences negatively the revitalization of the livestock sector, the diversification of forage production by mobilization, acclimatization and implementation of new crops both from local flora and other floristic regions is necessary. Galega orientalis Lam., native to Caucasus, is a promising species studied and used in several countries, including the Republic of Moldova. Aims: The objective of this research was to evaluate biological features, productivity, chemical composition and forage value Galega orientalis, variety Speranța Materials and methods: The new fodder leguminous plant species Galega orientalis, variety Speranța, which were cultivated in the Botanical Garden (Institute) of the ASM, served as object of study. Investigations on growth and development, productivity and the nutritional value of fodder plants according to known methods were performed. Results: The results of the research on biological features and forage value of the harvested fodder are presented in this paper. It has been established that Galega orientalis, in the first year, grows and develops slower than alfalfa, but in the following years, it starts vegetating 5-7 days earlier. The plants have an accelerated growth and development rate that allows mowing them in the first half of May; the yield reaches 35-45 t/ha of natural forage with a high degree of foliage (55-63%). The chemical composition of dry matter: 17.80 % raw protein, 3.55 % raw fat, 30.50% raw cellulose, 39.47% nitrogen-free extractive substances and 8.69% minerals. After harvesting, revival of growth of Galega orientalis is slower than alfalfa, the second harvest can be done at the end of July, the yield constituting 20-25 t/ha natural forage with a higher content of dry matter. The chemical composition of the dry matter from the forage at the second harvest: 15.42 % raw protein, 2.82 % raw fat, 34.52% raw cellulose, 38.71% nitrogen-free extractive substances and 8.53 % minerals. The fresh mass of Galega orientalis can be used as natural forage or for preparation of hay, haylage, silage and vitamin flour. When preparing hay, leaves remain on the stem, which helps ensure higher forage value. Conclusion: Under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova, Galega orientalis, in the 3rd-5th years of vegetation, allows obtaining it 2-3 mowing times, about 70-80 t/ha of natural forage or 17-23 t/ha of hay.
Galega orientalis, variety Speranța, biological features, chemical composition, forage value.
Presentation: oral

