Adrian BORCEAN, Mihaela COLCEA, Florin IMBREA None
On the last two years, the one target of this research carried out in the area of Nera river basin was to determine the main pathogens of the medicinal plants from the middle basin of Nera river because this location is situated almost all inside the natural reservation known as National Park of Nera Gorge. Regarding to the method of data collected, all observation data were collected during vegetation period of years 2013 and 2014. Those observations consist from four separate operations: first operation was to determine the areas with representative populations of Hypericum perforatum, the second operation was to determine pathogens which affect those plants (if there is any pathogen) and the third operation was to evaluate the attack parameters of the pathogen. The novelty is relatively high because present paper provides important data for both agricultural practice and for local environment authorities. Taking in consideration that Hypericum perforatum plants are used as healing agents due to their various medicinal properties, it is important to know the infection pressure of the plants pathogens from natural environment. It is well known that a part of fungus plant pathogens are mycotoxins producers which put under question any medicinal use of the infected plants and this is just one reason to know if these pathogens are not present on medicinal plants natural environment. Another main reason is that we appreciate the plants from wild flora as sources for diseases resistance genes in the plant breeding process. In the present work there were carried out researches concerning the possible reactions of the pathogens depending on local environment factors. Limits of the research are that data from the research are just from two years of observations. The originality of the work come out from the fact that all data presented are relevant for mapping the diseases of medicinal plants from wild flora. Importance of the paper became from bringing in front of the specialists a new topic concerning observations of pathogens behavior in relation with Saint John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) plants from wild flora.
Hypericum perforatum, wild flora, Diploceras hypericum
Presentation: oral

