Mihaela Liana FERICEAN None
This paper presents data referring the morphological characteristics and biometrical measurements of Phorodon humuli, species captured from potato cultivations for a period of three years, from Didactic Station Timisoara and Varfurile, Arad county. The aphids have been collected with the yellow vesse l traps on a three days. The adult wingless form of Phorodon humuli have a pear shape body and can be range from yellow to light green in color with darker green longitudinal stripes on the upper surface of the abdomen. The head characteristically has a pair of elongate projections on the inside of the antennal tubercles. The siphunculi are thicker at their bases and slightly curved outwards at their tips. The cauda is blunt, light color and short.The winged aphid are pale yellowish green with a dark head and thorax. The smallest length of the body established for aphids captured in West Zone of Romania was 1,45 mm, while the biggest was 2,30 mm. The average body length was 1,95 ± 0,24 mm . Regarding the length of the head and thorax, it may be noticed that the maximum length of these parts was 1,10 mm and minimum length was 0,65 mm . The minimum width of head was 0.30 mm and the maximum width of head was 0.35 mm . The average value calculated for head width was 0,86 ± 0.12 mm. As far as the thorax width is concerned, this was minimum 0.50 mm and maximum 0,85 mm . Mean thorax width was 0,70 ± 0,08 mm. The mean length of the abdomen was 1,10 ± 0,13 mm, while the average value calculated for abdomen width was 0,84 ± 0,12 mm. In the existent literature from our contry, there is little information referring to biometric measurement and for these reasons, knowing the following aspect is of paramount importance
Phorodon humuli, biometrical measurements
Presentation: poster

