Loredana Copăcean, Cosmin Popescu None
The specific means and methods of remote sensing, based on specialized softwares, can make comparative analysis of satellite images and can thus highlighting quantitative changes in the structure of geographical space, in a given territory. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the space-time evolution of Lugoj Municipality and the surrounding area, in a temporal interval of approx. 25 years, from 1985 to 2011. To achieve the proposed analysis, Landsat TM satellite images were used, purchased in 1985 and 2011, images were processed with IDRISI Selva software. Using the methodology described in the literature, were calculated two indices, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Building Index (NDBI) for the two time points, and the results were analyzed comparatively in order to identify possible amendments products in this temporal interval (Change Detection function). In the region under study, in the aforementioned time interval, changes are noted, both in the spatial distribution of vegetation and as regards the areas covered by the construction. Following the general trend of expansion of the big cities in the west of Romania, as well as in the case of Lugoj Municipality, there is the phenomenon of "urban growth". Validation of the results was done by comparison with topographic maps, cadastral maps and ortophotoplans for the area of interest. To calculate areas, raster maps obtained were reclassified and converted into vector format, making it possible to "quantify" the changes.
satellite images, comparison, change, expansion
Presentation: oral

