L. S. DOROG *, G. C. CRAINIC * None
Abstract: Agroforestry systems are present both in Europe and on other continents, which are preferred by private owners and not only to diversify products and increase revenues on the same unit area through sustainable land management. Research has aimed at the study of regeneration in silvopastorale systems with specific features for plain areas intensively grazed and hill areas less affected by grazing and anthropogenic influence. The beggining of this research was older observations related to the mode of dissemination and development of seedlings of cvercinee on land bordering the forest fund, mainly it is about land and pastures abandoned. As the method used for the study on the first transect tree limit up to 100 metres outside the forest where regeneration occurs in the vicinity of it and in cases where it was found the emergence of tree species at greater distances were studied aggregation mode in biogrupe species. All species have been inventoried shrubs and trees with measuring distances from the boundary of the forest. The work is based on observations and measurements from two locations: Păuşa-Miersig, (Bihor county) and Vârfurile (Arad county). The regeneration of tree species in the forest is done over distances ranging from 6-15 meters results obtained on the basis of observations and statistical processing. For appreciable distances compared with existing forest it was found that the regeneration began in the middle of pioneer species which are beginning the natural regeneration. The research results are limited by the small number of locations but the processes have highlighted significant differences in terms of the plain-land from the hill-land. Part of measurements and observations were made on the basis of contracts with the socio-economic environment. The work is important because it is studying how to make naturally regeneration in silvopastorale systems and it is also a starting point for research that uses nurse plants for trees regeneration.
Key words: agroforestry, silvopastoral system, sustainable management, regeneration, biogrup
Presentation: oral

