Ioana Maria CORODAN, Deiana NEȘIN, D. DICU None
Abstract Novelty and originality of the results can be appreciated both in terms of economic efficiency as well as the ease with which this method can be extended in daily practice, not required huge investments and to limit the extension to a larger number of growers, regardless of the cultivated area.The goal of the paper is to see the benefic effect of this type of electromagnetic radiations on plant growth and, last but not least, on yields and effect the environment. The importance of the study comes from the fact that at present, in many countries of the world, there are researches being carried on that present the beneficial effect of these radiations on numerous field crops, and in the field of plant microbiology and physiology.In this paper we present the effect of 7 frequencies with wave lengths between 0-50 Hz on maize and sunflower yields comparative to the control. The duration of treatment was 10 minutes and sowing seeds treated realizing immediately after treatment, knowing that such treated seeds must be sown in maximum 7-10 days after making it. Measurements concerned the the level of maize and sunflower yields were carried out in the laboratory of „Agricultural produce quality Analysis” of the Department of Agricultural Technologies, Faculty of Agriculture of the Banat University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael the I-st of Romania” from Timişoara, In the experiment, we used as genetic material the corn hybrids P9175, P9528, PR36V52, PR37N01, P9241, and sunflower hybrids P64LE19, P64LE25, P64LE20, ES Aramis, NK Adagio and in the treatment of the seeds we used the generator of electromagnetic radiations of the Faculty of Agriculture of Novi Sad. The improvement of the evaluated functional variables suggests that the seeds may perform better with an electromagnetic field treatment.
Keywords: maize, sunflower, radiation, frequency, treatment
Presentation: oral

