Štefan Týr NoneWeeds are not desirable for arable occurrence significantly compete with agricultural crops in claims for nutrients, soil moisture, sunlight and space. The present paper was to evaluate the impact of integrated and organic management farming system and the actual weed infestation spring barley at two variants of fertilization (without fertilization and fertilization) in 2014 and 2015 years. The management had an impact on the occurrence of weed species before regulation. The objective was to quantify and evaluate the actual weed infestation in the crop of spring barley form, in both management systems on soil. We observed two different systems namely amended and unmanured, in organic and integrated farming systems. In the integrated system was provided herbicidal protection by effective substance of appliance Mustang and fungicidal protection by effective substance of appliance Tango Super. In ecological system the chemical regulation wasn´t applied, we used mechanical regulation of weed infestation namely protection of bar shaped gates. The results were evaluated with two methods: a counting and combined counting and mass method. By counting method was evaluated a crop of spring barley in the spring. By counting and mass method was evaluated a crop of weed infestation before harvest of spring barley. The integrated management system unfertilized occurring weed Chenopodium album, Convolvulus arvensis, Polygonum aviculare, Stellaria media, Chenopodium hybridum and others. The integrated system fertilized occurring weeds: Chenopodium album, Atriplex patula, Thlaspi arvense and others. The organic unfertilized system, we recorded the occurrence of weed species Chenopodium album, Atriplex patula, Convolvulus arvensis, Polygonum aviculare, Avena fatua and others. In organic system that has been fertilized species Chenopodium album, Atriplex patula, Convolvulus arvensis, Polygonum aviculare, Sonchus arvensis and others. The use of fertilizers variant the occurrence of weed species in the monitored repetitions spring barley crops. Use weeders in organic farming systems were not sufficient to regulate occurring perennial weed species. The use of herbicide Mustang in the integrated land management had a positive effect on the frequency and weight of weed species before harvest. In keeping with all cultural and direct measures of weed control is an organic land management system is fully viable as a standalone - sustainable land management farming systems.
spring barley, weeds, weed control, sustainable farming systems
Presentation: oral