Casiana MIHUȚ, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA, L. NIȚĂ, Simona Niță, Viorica Dumitrescu None
Abstract. The paper refers to the economic efficiency of two soils perimeter of Pojejena, Caras-Severin namely luvisol and eutricambosol, based on the geographical location of the village, the processes of pedogenesis specific characteristics of soils, continuing with production resulting from the application of fertilizers and selling price of maize and wheat. At the same time, it has sought natural fertility status of the two types of soils expenditure required for setting up crop yields obtained and calculated economic efficiency of the farm concerned. The paper refers to the economic efficiency of two soils perimeter of Pojejena, Caras-Severin namely luvosoil and eutricambosoil, based on the geographical location of the village, the processes of pedogenesis specific characteristics of soils, continuing with production resulting from the application of fertilizers and selling price of maize and wheat. At the same time, it has sought natural fertility status of the two types of soils expenditure required for setting up crop yields obtained and calculated economic efficiency of the farm concerned. The land on which the trials were conducted, are privately owned family farm type. The total area under study is 42 ha. Luvosoil, occupies an area of 24 ha and eutricambosoil, 18 ha. The material studied is represented by two types of soils belonging Pojejena territorial administrative unit, Caras-Severin. These soils were studied in relation to environmental factors that determines their existence. It has pursued fertility status of soils in the study area, the expenses necessary to the establishment of a hectare of wheat and corn, vis-a-vis the production capacity of these soils, as reflected by the yields obtained and economic efficiency of the farm. To the knowledge of physical, chemical and hydric soils in the studied area we used data taken from OSPA Caras-Severin and those in the Municipality Pojejena. The importance and relevance of the study is to establish the economic efficiency of two soils, with an average natural fertility without the application of modern technologies and inexpensively start-up and maintenance. The yields obtained were different, depending on the soil type, namely: maize, the average in the two years under study is 5150 kg / ha, respectively luvosoil 4900 kg and 5400 kg on the eutricambosoil. Wheat, the average in the two years under study is 3050 kg / ha ie 2800 kg per luvosoil respectively on eutricambosoil 3300 kg.
soil, pedogenesis Processes, potentially productive, economic efficiency, corn, wheat, fertility
Presentation: oral

