Petru Mihai PUSTAI , Ion OLTEAN, Teodora FLORIAN None
Usually, the society goal is to provide food supplies for humans especially from vegetable and animal farming products. The two agricultural productions are closely linked, so that crop production provides the forage basis for animals. Clover crops provide a high nutritional quality supply for animals therefore is considered one of the most important forage crops. Commonly used as a precursory culture, ensures high productions for the following crops, because the root contains bacteria-rich nodule which served for soil nitrogen storage. The present research was chosen taking into account the many advantages of Trifolium spp. crop and also the reason of pests’ activity which is supposed to significantly reduce clover crop total production and seed. The aim of the study was primary selected for assessing the main phytophagous pest which has the major impact in decreasing seed production. To accomplish the research objective, samples were collected from an established surface of 2.5 ha in two different places located in Raciu area, Mures County. There were taken ten samples, each consisting of ten blossoms from red clover crop (Trifolium pratense) respectively from spontaneous white clover (Trifolium repens) belongs to grassland. The samples analyses were conducted in laboratory conditions by identifying pest species, their number and evolutionary stage with help of the binocular. Obtained results emphasized the Apion apricans Herbs. pest presence which produced partial or total damage of blossoming clover plants. The abundance of phytophagus species Apion apricans Herbst. on Trifolium repens plants is represented by the largest number of individuals with a total of 152 larvae, 132 pupae and 256 adults. Regarding Trifolium pratense species, the number of pests in the three evolution stages was as follows: 39 larvae, pupae 15 individuals and 21 adults. Results showed also the presence of other pests such as: Haplothrips niger Osb., Bruchophagus roddi Guss., Haplothrips tritici Kurd. or Orius niger Wolff. In conclusion, analyzing these aspects was found that spontaneous flora is characterized by a higher biological pest reserve of Apion apricans Herbst. compared to the red clover crop.
Apion apricans Herbst., entomofauna, grassland
Presentation: oral

